Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Ordinariate?

The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic governing structure, similar to a diocese, established in 2012 for Anglicans and whole Anglican communities wishing to become Catholic. The bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter is the Most Rev. Stephen Lopes. Members of the Ordinariate are Roman Catholics who maintain many spiritual traditions from their Anglican heritage.

To learn more about the Ordinariate, click here:

So is the Ordinariate Catholic or Anglican

The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter is fully Roman Catholic in communion with the Pope, but preserves liturgical and spiritual elements of the Anglican tradition that are compatible with the fullness of the Catholic faith. We call these elements the “Anglican Patrimony.”

What is an Ordinariate liturgy like?

Mass using Divine Worship: The Missal is a "use" of the Roman Rite. It features distinctive Anglican spiritual traditions, such as Prayer Book English, while fully conforming to the sacramental, liturgical, and doctrinal standards of the Roman Catholic Church. Some Roman Catholics who are unfamiliar with Anglican liturgical traditions say that the Divine Worship Mass reminds them in some ways of the reverence inherent in the Extraordinary Form. But the Divine Worship Mass is thoroughly its own English liturgical tradition within the Roman Rite. Every English-speaking Catholic should experience it!What is the Ordinariate Members and Friends of Portland? We're an unofficial group of lay people that gathers to pray Ordinariate Form Evening Prayer at Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Some of us are official members of the Ordinariate, some of us are not official members of the Ordinariate, but all of us love the Ordinariate. We have also begun to have occasional masses according to the Divine Worship Missal.

Our goal is to grow our community in hopes of some day forming an Ordinariate parish in the greater Portland area. We want this community to be an evangelical witness to the glory of the Catholic faith for the people of Portland, and we hope to bless the local Catholic Church with the gifts of the Anglican Patrimony.

Currently, many of our events take place at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Portland, OR where most of our members are parishioners.

This sounds great! How can I help?

We need prayers and we need volunteers. If you’re able to help, send us an email at to get in touch with us! You can also come talk with us at any of our events. We’re looking forward to meeting you! Finally, you can donate to our fund at Holy Rosary Church. Just click on “Online Giving” above. You’ll be taken to the Holy Rosary MyOwnGiving page. Make sure you give to the “Ordinariate Members and Friends of Portland” fund if you’re wanting it to go to our ministry. You may also send a check to Holy Rosary at 375 NE Clackamas St. Portland, OR 97232 and write “Anglican Patrimony Society” in the memo line.