Worshiping God in the Beauty of Holiness

Worshiping God
in the Beauty of Holiness

We are building an Ordinariate community in the greater Portland area with hopes of eventually forming an Ordinariate parish, so that we can worship God with this beautiful liturgy, enrich the local church, and evangelize souls. We would love your support!

Ten Years Ago, Pope Benedict XVI created the Ordinariates in response to Anglicans around to world “repeatedly and insistently” petitioning to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope’s act opened a way for Christians, both whole parishes and individuals, to become fully Roman Catholic while maintaining elements of their liturgical and spiritual heritage.

Pope Benedict called this heritage “a precious gift nourishing the faith of the members of the Ordinariate” and “a treasure to be shared” with the whole Catholic Church, and we want to share this treasure with the people of Portland.  

If you’re interested in helping us build our new community of worship and evangelization, please get in touch with us using our Contact page or sign up for our Flocknote to receive regular updates.


Ordinariate Mass, by Bowsk

Ordinariate Mass, by Bowsk

Ordinariate Mass, by Bowsk

Ordinariate Mass, by Bowsk